Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New hair color

Last week, being itchy hands as usual,i had my hair dyed in the shade which i have always wanted so no regrets.Its rubine as seen in the picture below.Far left,second row,first shade.I have no guts just yet to try a lighter shade.Besides, i think a darker shade may just suit me better!:p The color pay off turned out better than expected although i applied the dye straight onto my semi-dark brown hair.What's even better would be that it didn't make my hair super dry and flimsy.I wouldn't recommend anyone to dye these onto natural black hair because it may not work/be as bright.I got my dye from an IG shop at $22.50 per tub.Shall show more pictures of my current hair soon.Email me if your keen to know where i got it,Would be more than happy to share :) Last post of the day before i head to bed!


Hello all!fyi this is definitely not my house haha! It's just a brief idea of what i'd imagine my place to look like if it undergoes redesigning one day.My house/Room goals hehe!
Yep i like things simple :p

One's life one's decision

Trying to act like someone you are not is a torture
so,why not just stay the way you are?
be truest to yourself if not to others

Are there days whereby you just feel so tired/drained/sad&wished you could hid under those covers,stay in bed and sleep in all day long even though you know you can't?
yes frankly i do feel that way sometimes or should i say many times
But sadly in reality,most of the time it's not up to our own choices
so what can we do?
 learn to fight off that weaker side which makes us crumble after every fall
Always think of the bigger picture (think far and not just about your current situation)
think about those who may be affected because of you
Make each day count for something by using your time wisely
Remember that picking yourself up after every struggle is where you can then learn to grow stronger

These days 

I seem to 


and love other

plants besides flowers

such as cactus/terrarium which i do not own yet.
Life is like a cactus: full of pricks but also very beautiful.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Before the clock strikes 12

Yes I'm back with more updates after a week of being back in school.School was hectic with ese just around the corner and here i am still working hard to get used to the time and everything once again. Although it was just a 2 weeks break, I totally screwed up my body clock from all the late nights and late get-ups. Other than that, everything was smooth sailing.Enough of school.Today marks a day before I turn nineteen! Wow that sure was fast! I'm really thankful for the past year where I have gone through plenty of changes and I'm glad to say that it wasn’t as bad as what i'd thought.Even though certain changes may often be difficult, many times it's also for the best.I admit at the start i was a bit of an awkward pie but along the way, it didn't take long for everything to get comfortable for me maybe way too comfortable.Thankfully my friends could ta han that not so serious side of me haha!

Yet on this day, I'm sad to say that I'm down with flu so yea i wasn't in school. If I am, I don't think i may have the time or right mentality to blog since I'm always drained from lessons and there's simply too much to do that sometimes I wished I had a little more time haha to do stuffs and sleep so that i wouldn’t always feel so lethargic and stare into blank spaces.
Oh yes,to my Bao who is feeling down because of yesterday,just know that you tried maybe not your best but you still tried.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard

Hope these managed to cheer you up!Just remember, if there's ever anything, I've got your back sis!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Neko Atsume/Boku To Wanko

Have i mentioned to you guise a game that got me occupied for awhile now?okay maybe just a week ago!><it's neko atsume(it's actually more like an app that allows you to groom your place to attract cats)they're really cute especially tubbs hehe!there's also another app that's pretty much alike for dog lovers it's called boku to wanko but sadly the English version is not released yet so it's currently only available in Japanese but trust me it's really easy to get about it :)

Haven't been able to afford the expansion just yet to make it look like my Neko Atsume's

Dazzling Cafe

Second time this holiday(first was to celebrate boon's birthday),me and my favorite bunch of peeps met up!managed to get 4/11 out as the rest were either overseas or already had plans for the day.Its okay there's always a next time right?:p We always brought up the topic of going to cafes and all but this time round,we're seriously going to treat ourselves to some good food yay!Suggested by wen and myself,we went to this famous cafe that had quite a queue when it first opened in sg. Yep, from the pictures you might have been able to tell that it's none other than dazzling cafe!we waited for about half an hour to get seated which is pretty fast i'd say!food wise,it's really yumz especially their spaghetti(all of it is good) and dessert of course.Although a little pricey about $30/pax but it's worth it given the quality of food.Did i forget to mention that the place is so pretty!it features tweety!the one that i'm holding onto is one of their menus.


Its been awhile since i last touched on art ever since O levels ended.I think through that period,i lost touch on how to do all the techniques,shading etc but someday(a bit dramatic keke),whilst thinking what design i'd do for a card,i picked up my white pen and starting drawing on black paper and i fell in love with the contrast.Most of which reflects my love for flowers haha! I've been picking up on doing illustrations so i'll keep practicing before i post here!The first card is the one I've done most recently :) If you don't mind my skills and perhaps would love to get a card done,do drop me an email

Wisdom tooth extraction

Yep that's right!i had my wisdom tooth removed 6 days ago :) it's quite an experience but definitely a bearable one!
Firstly, the dentist would inject local anesthetic into the gum area with the wisdom tooth (probably about 6 shots) a bit of pain but the numbing effect is just wow!couldn't feel half my lips.
He then proceeded to take an x-ray of the tooth to locate the area to open up for removal.
When the numbing got stronger, i knew that's the moment i've been dreading for.
Oh yes i was awake throughout as it was just a tooth. If you plan to remove all your wisdom tooth at one shot, the dentist will give you a general anesthetic where you will sleep through the process.My bro went through that when he was going to get 4 of them removed.
Overall the process took about half an hour for a tooth and i was given 2 stitches to my gums. Fyi not everyone may require stitches :)
Was kind of shocked at the size of my tooth tbh :p
yesss we brought it home with us as a piece of memory!thankful to my momsie for coming with me although she couldn't come into the room with me which i'm truly glad she didn't because it was quite a scene hahaha!
Post extraction was not as bad as what i had in mind.My cheek wasn't really protruding from the swell in my gums.(thank you chubby cheeks)
Nonetheless,i still have to take good care of it till full recovery which usually takes up to a month.Through this period, i tried to remain on soft foods and liquids.Not to forget,i was prescribed with antibiotics and painkillers&mouth wash.
Up till now,the pain has subsided by a lot as compared to the first day and tomorrow i'll be heading back to the dentist to remove the stitches.
If you are wondering,i had my extraction done at a private clinic and the procedure costs $600
If you'd like to know why/when to remove,post extraction care etc you can look it up online or
Here's two sites that may just answer your questions.
Here and Here 
Thanks for reading!till next time <3

Happy new year!leggo 2016

Finally back again on this space after a hiatus,a very long one so i shall kickoff with the events that happened not too long ago/recently.
It sure does takes a lot of commitment to update consistently but its okayyy i will try my best from now onwards hehe easier said than done but i'll still try!sad to say but there's only 2 days out of the 2 weeks left before school reopens for me and many others.You know what, although the holiday mood is still dwelling in me and as short as the holiday may be now that i'm in poly, i'm pretty appreciative of it. Good good time to catch up with life and do whatever i hasn't been able to haha!As we grow up the holiday sure gets lesser and lesser so ya remember to treasure it as much as you can aye?cheers to the new year ahead!If 2015 hasn't been a very great year for you,may 2016 be a better one :)

Last night fam and i didn't get to head down to the marina bay for countdown & fireworks as it was raining so we went to visit grams and head home for our mini countdown.
But..before that, i went to my bff's place to leave a surprise for her.Its for her birthday although it's super belated,ending the year on a good note isn't all that bad isn't it being able to brighten up my bff of 6year's day.Thankfully when i got there nobody was home yet so i could do everything at ease except the fear of being suspected by her neighbors of being a burglar whoops because yea i was being sneaky at least that's what i thought hehehe! when i got home we enjoyed telly and yas!adam lambert was here for our countdown!love love love his vocals since the american idol days