Wednesday, January 20, 2016

One's life one's decision

Trying to act like someone you are not is a torture
so,why not just stay the way you are?
be truest to yourself if not to others

Are there days whereby you just feel so tired/drained/sad&wished you could hid under those covers,stay in bed and sleep in all day long even though you know you can't?
yes frankly i do feel that way sometimes or should i say many times
But sadly in reality,most of the time it's not up to our own choices
so what can we do?
 learn to fight off that weaker side which makes us crumble after every fall
Always think of the bigger picture (think far and not just about your current situation)
think about those who may be affected because of you
Make each day count for something by using your time wisely
Remember that picking yourself up after every struggle is where you can then learn to grow stronger