Friday, January 1, 2016

Wisdom tooth extraction

Yep that's right!i had my wisdom tooth removed 6 days ago :) it's quite an experience but definitely a bearable one!
Firstly, the dentist would inject local anesthetic into the gum area with the wisdom tooth (probably about 6 shots) a bit of pain but the numbing effect is just wow!couldn't feel half my lips.
He then proceeded to take an x-ray of the tooth to locate the area to open up for removal.
When the numbing got stronger, i knew that's the moment i've been dreading for.
Oh yes i was awake throughout as it was just a tooth. If you plan to remove all your wisdom tooth at one shot, the dentist will give you a general anesthetic where you will sleep through the process.My bro went through that when he was going to get 4 of them removed.
Overall the process took about half an hour for a tooth and i was given 2 stitches to my gums. Fyi not everyone may require stitches :)
Was kind of shocked at the size of my tooth tbh :p
yesss we brought it home with us as a piece of memory!thankful to my momsie for coming with me although she couldn't come into the room with me which i'm truly glad she didn't because it was quite a scene hahaha!
Post extraction was not as bad as what i had in mind.My cheek wasn't really protruding from the swell in my gums.(thank you chubby cheeks)
Nonetheless,i still have to take good care of it till full recovery which usually takes up to a month.Through this period, i tried to remain on soft foods and liquids.Not to forget,i was prescribed with antibiotics and painkillers&mouth wash.
Up till now,the pain has subsided by a lot as compared to the first day and tomorrow i'll be heading back to the dentist to remove the stitches.
If you are wondering,i had my extraction done at a private clinic and the procedure costs $600
If you'd like to know why/when to remove,post extraction care etc you can look it up online or
Here's two sites that may just answer your questions.
Here and Here 
Thanks for reading!till next time <3