Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Before the clock strikes 12

Yes I'm back with more updates after a week of being back in school.School was hectic with ese just around the corner and here i am still working hard to get used to the time and everything once again. Although it was just a 2 weeks break, I totally screwed up my body clock from all the late nights and late get-ups. Other than that, everything was smooth sailing.Enough of school.Today marks a day before I turn nineteen! Wow that sure was fast! I'm really thankful for the past year where I have gone through plenty of changes and I'm glad to say that it wasn’t as bad as what i'd thought.Even though certain changes may often be difficult, many times it's also for the best.I admit at the start i was a bit of an awkward pie but along the way, it didn't take long for everything to get comfortable for me maybe way too comfortable.Thankfully my friends could ta han that not so serious side of me haha!

Yet on this day, I'm sad to say that I'm down with flu so yea i wasn't in school. If I am, I don't think i may have the time or right mentality to blog since I'm always drained from lessons and there's simply too much to do that sometimes I wished I had a little more time haha to do stuffs and sleep so that i wouldn’t always feel so lethargic and stare into blank spaces.
Oh yes,to my Bao who is feeling down because of yesterday,just know that you tried maybe not your best but you still tried.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard

Hope these managed to cheer you up!Just remember, if there's ever anything, I've got your back sis!