Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Study trip tooo Tai Chung,Taiwan 15-18 march

Our flight was pretty early.To be honest very early because there weren't any public transport available at that point of time such as trains and buses so the only option left was to grab a taxi. I remember waking up at 3.15 am and leaving the house somewhere around 4am because we had to assemble at 4.30am. Lucky for me the airport is not too far away from my place so i could kind of sleep in a little more oops. I was really excited for the trip hence i was able to surprisingly wake up on time to prepare and do all the last minute checks heh.

Before we begin, allow me to do a mini introduction/background story? Soo... i'll be going on this trip with 2 facilitators and a group of 29 of us students in total!However not everyone knew each other as there were Year 1,2 and 3's going.Initially some other friends and i planned on going together to enjoy ourselves and expose ourselves to something new before we embark on internship hence we all signed up for it almost immediately when we received news of the trip. However, sadly,there were certain criterias that we had to attain in order to be selected to go on this trip and in the end, although only the 4 of us managed to go,we're nevertheless thankful for the opportunity.
This happened while we were in the departure hall.We were just aaaabit bored i guess.
Since we were early, we were given the green light to roam around for a bit before our flight is due to take off.We passed by this candy store, saw it's interactive machine and decided to test it out.Partly to see for ourselves what it does but generally speaking to kill time. So what it does is basically tells us which M&M color we are and.. that's pretty much it. We walked around a little more and soon it was time time for us to go.

This was when we arrived in Hong Kong's airport to transit as our flight wasn't a direct flight. It was here that we started feeling the cold breeze and everyone/most around us were wearing windbreakers. Spring is really the perfect season to go travelling!ok random hahaha. And yes not long laterrr, we were up in the sky again on our way to Tai Chung yay!

Fast forward, here we are in our hotel. Its the City Resort hotel/中南海酒店
It's a pity i didn't took more photos or maybe i did but it's in my phone >.< shall have to check as these pictures were taken using a fujifilm camera. It's my mak over there (my roomie) as she thriple-tasks between packing her luggage,watching the telly and talking to me kekeke!

Their night market is so different compared to what we have. We came here right after our lecturesss

Omo cotton candy!should i get one?sugar high tho but oh yes i still did got it!
More spinning
Just a little more ya
Poking to set it's shape
anddd Voilà!

It's really huge. You can see the comparison between mak and the actual thing.
This is something that we looked up the web and were aiming to get our hands on when we come to Fengjia night market. Its called the bear paw burger. There are many flavors available to choose from. Isn't it the cutest thing eva? It's taste isn't disappointing as well

Before we knew it, it started raining

This is a definite must try item!their corn dog is the BEST!

Taiwan's pearl milktea
And that's where we got it!their employees are really friendly btw

where can you find such a variety of sakura donuts but here?we managed to get every sakura flavour despite the long queues phew
We hopped into H&M
and Uniqlo and kinda over did it as you can see. It's pretty heavy although van made it seem the opposite
Buys from 1st and 2nd day. The 3rd day we got back to the hotel really late with alot more other stuffs like their local delicacies and more clothing. We were really tired by then but packing our luggages is still a priority hence we were kept busy all night.
With what little energy we have left every night, we would still head over to the 7 eleven right beside our hotel.How convenient!what goes on in there i believe you could've already guessed. We had supper!food such as cup noodles,curry rice, lu rou fan(minced pork rice) and plentiful more. OK enough sounds so glutton i know but don't get me wrong i'm just trying to highlight that Taiwan's food is really fantastic :D
P.S Don't hesitate to get those yakult gummies at their 7elevens/Sasa. Highly recommend for sweet tooth lovers kakaka
Ending off with a pretty view of where i am staying. Okies hope you enjoyed reading this super throwback trip i had.
If you're wondering what we did at the medical university,it'll be up in the next post :)
Till then, Xoxo <3