Friday, March 3, 2017

2 weeks>>>TaiChung,Taiwan

What?it's only 2 weeks till i depart for taiwan?that's really quick but hey wait what up with the this sudden trip?its actually a school trip where we will get to explore places like hospitals as such which is related to the industry my course pursues. Have been pretty hyped up and excited for the trip from the time they confirmed that we've been selected.Been doing some research on hotspots and popular attractions around the area because we're not just confined to lectures all day long. Yup i believe that there's some free time after we sit through the lectures.

So one of the places that's in my itinerary& am dying to go is Zhong She Tour sight Flower Market 中社观光花市.P.S its not really a market but a flower farm hehe! Being one who adores flower alot, this place is perfect.It houses a array of flowers and the picture below is just one with my favorite lavender flowers.
Some might ask why not just go to lavender cottage instead?that's because that area is not as accessible from what i heard.
Hopefully i'll get to make it over to the flower market before it closes for the day at 6pm TT

Image result for zhong she flower market

Fengjia night market is next on the list with all the different delicacies to look forward to!and not forgetting that it is taiwan's largest nigh market.