Friday, March 3, 2017

2 weeks>>>TaiChung,Taiwan

What?it's only 2 weeks till i depart for taiwan?that's really quick but hey wait what up with the this sudden trip?its actually a school trip where we will get to explore places like hospitals as such which is related to the industry my course pursues. Have been pretty hyped up and excited for the trip from the time they confirmed that we've been selected.Been doing some research on hotspots and popular attractions around the area because we're not just confined to lectures all day long. Yup i believe that there's some free time after we sit through the lectures.

So one of the places that's in my itinerary& am dying to go is Zhong She Tour sight Flower Market 中社观光花市.P.S its not really a market but a flower farm hehe! Being one who adores flower alot, this place is perfect.It houses a array of flowers and the picture below is just one with my favorite lavender flowers.
Some might ask why not just go to lavender cottage instead?that's because that area is not as accessible from what i heard.
Hopefully i'll get to make it over to the flower market before it closes for the day at 6pm TT

Image result for zhong she flower market

Fengjia night market is next on the list with all the different delicacies to look forward to!and not forgetting that it is taiwan's largest nigh market.

Linking/transferring blogger account to another google account

Annyeong!has it been a year or so?i must say there's much to miss about the times which i blog
Recently, i tried getting back to blogger and it has indeed been a trying time. This i'm not sure if its because i had created many email accounts in the past and literally had no clue which email i had used to sign up for this blog. Someone please enlighten me on why i did what i did. Its like trial and error over and again. When i finally managed to retrieve it, guess what? it was linked to none other than my oldest email account which is a hotmail account and it hasn't been used since years ago as it was created solely to manage my blogshop's business. Now any items that i'm selling is listed in my carousell account .This app eases the buying/selling process. I highly recommend it.

Oh yes back to the topic, after i retrieved my account, i linked it to my latest email and transferred the admin rights of my blogger account to another google account which i use on a more regular basis. Its better in a sense that i don't have to sign in and out now and then making things more convenient for myself.

So the question is how do i actually go about linking my blogger account to google account or even transfer the rights?

Firstly, go to your blogger 

Next, click on settings at the left side of your screen.

Under basic, you will find blog authors.

Simply click on add authors and key in the email of the account which you would like to share the blog with. 
Please take note that if you are sharing it with others and not just another email account of yours like myself, others would have the rights to edit,post and contribute to your blog.

Next, go to gmail & sign in with that account which has been shared with.Accept the invitation and viola your blogger account is now linked to another google account.
You can always link with multiple accounts but essentially i feel that there is no need for that.

The following step below is not necessary unless you are intending to neglect your old gmail/hotmail account and transfer the blog entirely to your new/latest/most updated gmail account.

If yes, you have decided to do so, return to your old main account and click X to remove the old admin.
The blog will now only appear in your latest google/gmail account which you have shared with when you access blogger.