Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sissy date with Dajie

Soooo..4/7 of us were supposed to meet up but it ended up with just the both of us!
Anyways,for lunch we opted for a scrumptious meal at Mof.
Food tasted great!
Subsequently we did quite a fair bit of shopping but i cannot really recall what i got.
Stm problems, 

Okay to sum it up,so for the whole day she kept laughing at me.
Shall not elaborate haha.Embarrassing much.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sundate @ Nex

                                                 Watched Insidious 3!Jump scares were great.

Had Milkissimo ice cream for lunch because we didn't have much of an appetite
This ice cream originated from Hokkaido,Japan.
For me i choosed matcha&milk because they were the pops flavors.
Imo,they really do taste fantastic!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sport&Fitness Asia 2k15

Hola!I've been volunteering at the SFA for the past week in lieu of the 28th Seagames held in Singapore,While carrying out my duties,i caught a glimpse of the stuffs sold in the hall and i got them first thing when i had my break.So here they are!
                                                Got these on the second day of SFA
Totally not a kid anymore but when i tried these samples,it got me going like ''wow who cares i have to get em!"
The taste of these energy bars were simply addictive.You got to try it for yourselves.
These costs 3 bucks each but the sales person was really nice and threw in an extra when i got 3 bars.

Got these on the first day of SFA and they're really yummy too.These costs 3 bucks as well.I bought 5 bars and had an extra for free.You can get these from cold storage!
Basically to sum it all up,i also got myself a new bottle together with qin hehe! the thing about volunteering,it's great!meeting new people and learning new things although it wasn't as smooth sailing or easy,it was still a pretty good experience.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Late night getaway

Chocolate corn&ddeokbokki look-alike snack

Saltine Crackers with cream cheese

Went for some late night shopping with momsie the other day.There was a Robinsons expo sale and the korean food section caught my eyes.These are some of the items that i grabbed,Not only do they taste daebak,all of them are really affordable too!ranging from 2 to 4bucks,

Thursday, June 11, 2015

San Mei's 18th Birthday


Had some S/S (Spring/Summer) 2015 fashion shoot
*jokes* hahaha!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Birthday surprise for Val's sweet17

Japanese ice cream from Katong 112

Rain check at Ion Sky

Selfie while waiting for birthday girl and llola to finish their shopping
P.s we look genuinely happy here