Friday, April 10, 2015

Day out with sis+mini thrifts

Heylow all!This week i managed to catchup with my sis,yv who is my dearest close friend of 5years!in our lower secondary years we often mentioned that we'll always remain as bff's and i guess our friendship really has come a long way and withstood the test of time?We managed to meetup on thursday which was yesterday for some catchup/shopping time and guess where did we head to?Bugis!partly because we haven't been there for the longest time and items sold there are really reasonable so why not ya?We did some speed shopping while trying to get the best prices(bargaining)
Yes at bugis street you may try your luck at negotiating with stall owners.I know its a little thick-skinned haha but its really worth the try.There is this shop that i often frequent.Reason being,i'm absolutely in loveee with their vintage shirts.They are truly gorgeous at least to me and i am always contemplating between the tons of designs to choose from! Many of you may know this shop as they have many outlets within bugis street itself.Yep its Y&J!head down there someday if you haven't.Of course there are many other awesome shops within its compound here at bugis street.

P.s super bad cam quality